Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Time to get those sedentary bones off the proverbial misaligned couch

I’m sure everyone at one time or other has experienced that “achey, stiff” feeling we get after sitting or lying down for a prolonged period of time.  Like when you drove 12 hours straight on a family road trip or the time you watched a doubleheader of football games on a Sunday afternoon.  How quick or sharp are your reflexes or muscles after that prolonged period?  Could you immediately spring to life and run a 100 meter dash.....probably not.  How long does it take you to clear the cobwebs and get the “engines” going again?  Now imagine not moving for a week, a month or even years.

Believe or not that is, as a chiropractor, what I am faced with everyday- individual spinal segments that have been couch potatoes for far too long.  Hundreds of these lazy little couch potatoes come into my office each day and my job is to get them off those couches and moving again. 

“Hey you, little Miss C5 Vertebrae, lets go...get off your butt!  And you too Mr. L4, why don’t you do something with your life!!”, I yell with my adjustments.

You might be asking, “Why can’t I do the yelling by exercising more often?”.  Great question.  The answer is that we exercise with our voluntary system of muscles and joints but that system is built upon and dependent on a reflexively-controlled involuntary system.  Your posture and alignment is controlled by a very intricate and complex involuntary system.  That is why you can’t “exercise” your C5 back into normal alignment and motion.  If you could, I’d be out of a job.

This postural control system is dependent upon ALL the information and data provided by the normal (normal is healthy) motion of each and every segment in the spine and joints in the body- all hooked and wired up with motion sensors and detectors feeding information to that big computer in the sky.....your brain.  If there is no motion, there is no data or information.  This increases the chances of your body making “positional errors” and causing injury.  Ever hurt your back just tying your shoes or some other seemingly benign activity?  Now you know what I am talking about.  The longer you’ve had these areas of sedentary bones, the longer the brain has been without key information needed to coordinate normal healthy movement.  Chiropractors specialize in the assessment and correction of these areas and are a critical part of helping you live a healthier, more vital life.  Irregardless of symptoms or conditions, everyone could use healthier movement and alignment....so don’t delay, get checked today!

Remember, Life is Motion and Motion is Life.
Dr. Jason Whittaker

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